Call for papers
The WASDeTT workshop series is motivated by the observation that tools and tool building play an important role in applied academic software engineering research. Tools are both the tangible results of research projects, and -more and more- tools serve the purpose of laboratory and field instruments.
While tool building is popular it is hard to do right. For a tool to actual reach its goal, validating theory or observing reality, a significant engineering and intellectual investment is required.
Given the importance of tool building and the significant challenges associated with it, our workshop allows interested researchers to share their tool building experiences and to explore how tools can be constructed more effectively and efficiently.
The purpose of WASDeTT is to gather researchers working on different tools, providing a forum where they can talk about common issues relevant to all tool builders, and builders of academic research prototypes in particular. Users of academic tools from industry are also very welcome to join. Like previous WASDeTT instances, this one also prepares for an Experimental Software and Toolkits (EST) special issue of Elsevier's Science in Computer Programming journal, where tool construction results are disseminated.
Keywords: tool development, software analysis and transformation, visualization, test-case generation, metrics, security analysis, profiling, debugging, persistence, aspect weaving, frameworks, model checking, compilers, static analysis, source-to-source transformation, programming language extensions, domain-specific languages, mining software repositories, plugin architectures, etc.
Domains: WASDeTT intentionally crosscuts different topics and domains: tools are relevant everywhere. We also solicit meta discussions on tool development and validation.
We invite you to submit either or both of these two different kinds of papers:
- Tool design papers - 10 pages, excluding screen shots. These present an (academic) tool and discuss how the tool was built. Next to a clear positioning to related research, and related tools, the paper should address issues such as the requirements, the rationale for the important design decisions, and lessons learned from the experience of implementing the chosen design.
- Position papers - 5 pages, all inclusive. These state a position or vision, or discuss any issue related to tool building. Importantly, such a paper should serve as a foundation for interesting discussions at the workshop. The papers are judged by normal academic standards in terms of motivation, clarity and related work.
- Submissions should be formatted according to Elsevier's SCP style. See
- the authors of the accepted papers are required to participate in the workshop by presenting their paper and taking part in the discussions. Notes of the discussions may be published online after the workshop.
- Submissions should be formatted according to Elsevier's SCP style. See
Publication: all accepted papers will be included in the hand-out proceedings at the workshop. The tool design papers, or an improved version thereof, are further eligable for submission an EST special issue in Science of Computer Programming
Please submit your papers via Easychair at
Event | Tentative Date |
Submission deadline | April 26, 2013 (anywhere on earth) |
Notification deadline | May 17, 2013 (early ECOOP registration deadline is May 31th) |
Workshop | July 1st, 2013 |
- Mark van den Brand, TU/Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- Kim Mens, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
- Pierre-Etienne Moreau, LORIA - Université de Lorraine - Ecole des Mines de Nancy, France
- Jurgen J. Vinju, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands - INRIA Lille Nord Europe, France (primary contact)
Invited talk
PC members
Can be found here